
High Schools

Meopta cooperates with Střední škola technická, Přerov, Kouřílkova 8, Střední průmyslová škola, Přerov, Havlíčkova 2 and Střední průmyslová škola strojnická, Olomouc. We try to be a proactive partner in the educational process throughout our advertisement and by working on mutual projects. We offer the possibility of a long term practical training and the presence of Meopta specialists during their final exams. The students have the opportunity to do counselling with our specialists throughout the whole year.

For schools, we provide dedicated machines for long-term use.


Scholarship program for High School students

We offer:

  • Scholarship up to 3.000 CZK per month, in 3rd and 4th grades up to 4.000 CZK
  • Practical experience throughout the studies
  • Free lunch within the internship
  • Paid summer internships
  • Working contract for indefinite period
  • Bonus for successful graduation when joining Meopta 5.000 CZK


We expect:

  • Good academic results
  • Zero disciplinary infractions (unexcused absences, etc.)
  • Self-driven approach
  • Willingness to learn

If you are interested in working with us during your studies, please contact us at