
Measurement Methods & Devices Development

In Meopta we have a wide range of facilities in our laboratories and many years of experience with measurement methods development in a wide spectrum of applications.

Meopta also provides the design and realisation of the measuring setups, devices, benches / fixtures / JIGs based on custom-requested and internally developed measurement methods.

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Measurement Methods & Devices Development

Meopta is able to provide and develop measurement methods
and realise the measuring devices to measure:

  • Geometrical optical parameters (efective / paraxial / flange focal length)
  • Fotometric optical parameters (power measurements, polarisation measurements )
  • Qualitative optical parameters (MTF, WFE, Interferometry)


All of these in wide spectral ranges of:

  • DUV (193nm – 400nm, monochromatic or broadband light sources)
  • Visible (400nm – 750nm, monochromatic or broadband light sources)
  • ​IR (SWIR 750nm - 2μm, partially also MWIR 4μm - 6μm, LWIR 8μm - 12μm)

For the final and custom-oriented solutions Meopta develops custom-oriented software applications which precisely fits to appropriate purpose (SW applications for MTF measurements, custom-oriented SW for WFE meas. by the Meopta Shack-Hartmann sensor, motors motion control, etc.).

Meopta has been dynamically evolving its field of interest and via the cooperation with Universities as well as goverment supported programs, works on a number of development challenges and projects. Meopta concentrates on high school and University students mentoring and takes advantage of these students interests and abilities to help achieve project goals.

One of the currently ongoing challenges is the development of the Shack-Hartmann wavefront detection sensor realised by cooperation with the department of optics at Palacky University in Olomouc. These targets mean the acquisition of algorithmic structures, realisation of the SW application and technical realisation of the sensor in several modifications, differing by resolution and dynamic range. More information about the Meo S-H sensors and software application.