

For over 40 years Meopta has been a premier manufacturer of aviation instrumentation wedges, windows and cover glass.

Meopta was influential in developing today´s lighting wedge assembly and we remain at the cutting edge of optical technology for aircraft instrumentation.

Each Meopta aircraft instrumentation wedge, wedge assembly, window or cover glass is the product of high quality optical or filter glass components

As the cockpit of aircrafts move towards flat panel display technologies, HUDs, or even VR systems, Meopta continues to be involved in this industry and offers solutions from R&D, prototyping, to serial production of components and sub-system assemblies for both civilian and defense avionics.

We understand the importance of extreme requirements such as Zero Defects and process control qualification in relation to the Avionics industry and Meopta has strong competencies in implementing and sustaining such expectations.